207-460-0740 mdz@mattzito.com

I am seeking to work with a travel start-up or a company looking to develop a new leisure travel product.

“Think of me as a chief commercial officer with proven online travel entrepreneurial skills working with your team on a daily basis.”


I am a leisure travel product specialist, a biz dev guy and a true entrepreneur. I’ve personally sold millions in online travel NOT including client sales. I’ve built and sold two businesses an OTA and a lodging property. In late 2011 I helped a group buying deals start up develop a travel channel and we sold over $500,000 in travel in less than 4 months before it was acquired. My Rolodex includes 100+ boutique hotels and ski resorts across the U.S. and Canada and 1,500 travel industry professionals. When I work with companies I go all in.


If you have interest or you know of a colleague that may be interested please forward this letter. I am currently working out of the Orlando, FL area and will happily get on planes to meet great people. Please also see my next post as I've been developing three new travel start up ideas. You may be interested in these.



Matt Zito

